bench worthy

I'm pretty sure I think about benches more than the average person.

My favorite running trail has an wobbly old wooden one, perched on top of a hill with killer unobstructed city river views.

Every time I pass by, I think "that's a great spot for my ashes."

Slightly morbid, but who wouldn't want an eternally great view with daily dog visitors?

Anytime I see a bench with a commemorative plaque, I have to stop and read it.

The other week as we hiked inside the DC Smithsonian Zoo (we're suckers for the prairie dog exhibit), I noticed the long line of benches dotted with signs. Most of the plaques were pretty dull with the standard in memoriam notices.

But one in particular caught my eye.

"Arline was good at bridge & tennis but now is permanently benched."

I mean, who doesn't love a perpetual pun?

Weeks later I'm still thinking about Arline. Did she write the pithy note or was it a good-humored spouse or friend? How is a silly pun still stuck in my head weeks later? Do you get to choose where your bench goes? (Arline had a prime sitting spot not far from the future giant panda pen.)

It got me thinking, how can we write more "bench worthy" content that sticks in your head?

No one tells you that one of the most time consuming (and most important) parts of running an online business is how much you'll be WRITING.

Sure, I use AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity and Claude for a lot of grunt work (but *gasp* never my newsletter...)

But crafting unboring, engaging content that gets people thinking and remembering who you are? That takes real work.

As my husband often mutters as he's writing yet another presentation "I didn't go to school for words."

Me neither.

No matter what you're writing for, learning how to craft copy that converts is a key business asset everyone needs in their back pocket.

Luckily my friend Marisa Corcoran's free copy masterclass Leave 'Em Wanting More* is back to give you a no-fail framework to bust you out of the copy doldrums and make writing fun.

Think your writing is boring? Struggle to get people to engage with your content?
Her masterclass* is just the ticket for you.

you've got this,

p.s. Want more of Marisa's smart brain? Check out our recent video chat where we shared our best Welcome Sequence Copy Tips.

p.p.s. One of my absolute favorite courses, Marie Forleo's Time Genius, opens up again next week. I'm both a mentor in the program and I'll be sharing how you can work with 1:1 with me through the course.

Looking to take back your work day and get more done? Join Marie for her free class "3 Mistakes Sabotaging Your Profits & Productivity. Plus, How to Get Further, Faster By Working...Way Less!*"

p.p.p.s. *denotes affiliate links for free masterclasses. I only promote products and programs that I've taken, created or am a mentor in.

Want more? Here's how to get started:

Time Genius - Feel like there's never enough time to get things done? It's not magic - there's proven methods to organize your day (and life) to get what you want done - personally and professionally. Get on the waitlist to work with me here.

Want to pick my brain? Book a
Minima Session - my custom consults designed to help you generate ideas, clarify your offerings and enhance your website and online presence. You'll get realistic recommendations and actionable strategies.

Need vetted online tools and services? The Shop's got you covered.

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The Nugget with Michelle Martello

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